Friday, September 24, 2010

Reflection, Class Discussion on Senate Bill 1070

Senate Bill 1070 basically have to do with immigrants and how they want America to hear them. For years immigrants have been crossing the border, illegally and have been trying to find jobs here in the U.S. Now that the Senate Bill 1070 happened its harder on the immigrants. They have been making signs, protesting, and saying that its not right what Arizona is doing. I believe that we all have equal rights weather we are here legal or illegal in the U.S. I know if your here illegally you dont have as many privileges as us citizens have in the U.S here, thats why we should ask ourselves if we are treating those illegal immigrants farely? i believe that its not fair, because this country is freedom and mostly people come here come for a better future and work very hard for what they want. But i also understand that by being illegal working in the U.S is against the law and sooner or later you would be deported. I just hope that our country knows what they are causing because in all of this its going to cause alot of Kaos. Our country is strong and thats how we should stand but with equal and civil rights to the people. And promises that our government makes should happen.

Monday, September 20, 2010

NAVARRETTE: Awaiting Arizona's next binge

Obama signs $600 m bill to increase Militarization of the US Mexico Border

President Obama has signed into law a $600 million bill to deploy some 1,500 new Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officials along the border, as well as two aerial surveillance drones. The bill was quickly passed by Congress in a rare display of bipartisanship. We speak to Arnoldo GarcĂ­a of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. [includes rush transcript]

Hundreds of Thousands Rally for Immigration Reform in Largest Rally of Obama Presidency

Hundreds of Thousands Rally for Immigration Reform in Largest Rally of Obama Presidency

Discussion about the mosque being built

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Class Discussion about the mosque being built

In class today we learned and had a discussion on many things that had to do with the mosque being built. Basically there is alot of contreversy in all this. We had questions if weather or not the mosque should be built? or If its the right place to build it at. With in all of this i thought that weather or not the mosque is built o people such as arabs should not be treated any different just because of the cause of 9/11. They have a religion (muslims) and i dont think because of the attack of 9/11 they should pe paying for other people mistakes. But of course there is always gonna be hatred weather or not they build the mosque near ground zero. We  had different discussion such as Americans not being happy where they are going to build it. In my prospective I think that they should build a mosque in memory of all the americans plus different cultures that died that sad day, but not near ground zero. Maybe it would be better if they build it somewhere more better for everyone. The article I chose last week, was talking about Obama believing that muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. I agree on that with him. My point either way the mosque is build there is always gonna be hatred.